Monday 10 September 2012


In a mdern era, most of us human beings have sought the comforting luxury of an uncultured and uneducated lifestyle. We don't realise that in order to maintain our basic functions of existence e.g EAT! we would need money and to get money we would need...all together now kiddies-KNOWLEDGE!

Now I know what you're thinking-'What the hell is this chick on about?' I am actually making a very valid point. After all. if we as human beings don't take it unto ourselves to learn more about this planet, then we'll be screwed! I mean, look at Obama. If he were a leering idiot with buck teeth and a 12 o'clock shadow WITHOUT a degree or at least some obvious moments of general knowledge, then he wouldn't be president now would he?

Well that was long-winded sentence...

My point mostly is that we should just pay attention in class! It doesn't matter if you're gonna become a rugby player when you grow up-you still might need the stuff you learn in class today. I'm not saying that right in the middle of a game the centre-forward aks you to calculate the amount of right angles used in a standard defense tactic! The thing is-there's a bunch of stuff I learn in school that I'll probably NEVER use again in my lifetime but heck-I still gotta learn it.

Who knows...perhaps calculating the amount of right-angles might help you impress your future spouse or something like that... :P