Time to take a peek at one of our generation's most influencial female role models...any guesses? You there-eah you. In the back. The one scratching his name into the desk with a spoon. No, it's not Oprah, you ass it's RIHANNA! Oh, so you don't think she's much of a role model do you? Well screw you! It's not about your generation now it's about the half witted idiots that care! Now, let me begin my deep speech.
Ahem...My fellow classmates, it seems that the day has come when we actually acknowledge Ruhanna as an ACTUAL role model. Is the world ending? you ask. Nay, I say! For I do not see any skeletal creatures with flesh and bedraggled rags hanging from their bodies emerging from the ground. So, just so we're clear-no zombie apocalypse has occured...yet!
Back to my speech, TIME magazine named Rihanna one of their most influential people of the year. A novelty of an award if you ask me, considering the fact that RiRi has spent most of her recent days partying with unattractive strippers, sending racist tweets to Chris Brown's poor girlfriend; Karrueche Tran and basically pissing a lot of people off! Some role model...
Personally, I used to actually LIKE Rihanna. Granted after the whole Chris Brown scandal, I only THEN knew her name...:( Anyway, when her album Rated R came out, I was a little surprse at the turn in which her career took. To cut this long winded speech short (mainly because Mr. I-DON'T-RESPECT-SCHOOL-PROPERTY has divulged into a loud fit of farts and I'm about to go over there and go all 'BlackNinja' on his sorry behind!), due to the success of 'Meme Week', I have dedicated this coming week starting from tomorrow to...RIHANNA VS. CHRIS BROWN!

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