Thursday 14 June 2012


Of course, living in this modern society of idiots has led me to follow the one trend that I wouldn't...MEMES!

So-I have decided to dedicate a full week of smutty humour and completely irrelevant memes to my mood for the day.

TODAY'S MOOD- 'Break-a-chair-punch-you-in-the-face!' Basically, I  feel like Nicki Minaj opn a trollface tireade on a random Lil' Wayne song. Hence the overkill of swearwords, autotune and the ever-present reference of women's vaginas.
I say NAY to such antics and beg the public to drag Nicki Minaj's colourful oversized ass and drop her onto rapper, Cash Out, just so I don't have to listen to his music anymore!

Since I have little to say, I shall sign out with a 'dope' picture! SUCK IT 21ST CENTURY!

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