Thursday 11 October 2012


Now we all know what modern society's perception of teenagers is that they are hormonal bags of anger, druggies and useless slackers with NO ambition! Well, most of that may be true for SOME teens but not all of is true...

Modern ways have changed the teens that we know and love. I'm sure that back-in-the-day, most teenagers would be sitting around in their grandmother's parlor dancing to old records and knitting quietly in the corner. They would chat about simple things like the new stockings catalogue or an outing with the Girl Scouts. The girls would be the same as us, except that they would be obsessing over someone like Elvis instead of Justin Bieber. They would meet at Sock Hops and the Skating Rink to hang out with friends and sip on malts and eat burgers; chatting about hectic school work and plans for the weekend. They would rebel against their folks by cranking up the volume on a Jerry Lee Lewis song. "GREAT BALLS OF FIRE!"

And then there's us...

I mean we are not THAT bad...are we? I mean, sure sometimes we all go off to parties, use drugs and smoke and rebel against our folks but that doesn't make us any worse than the teens of yester-....oh....
Well we mustn't dwell on the negatives. Nowadays, teens would be found swatting over the books (hopefully), hanging out with friends at the local mall or at home, chatting with weirdos on the internet...oh and of course we have that small percentage of party-goers and bingers who seem to be able to spread their poisonous reach onto everyone in the immediate vicinity.

I miss the good old days when people didn't think I  wasn't some hormonal pimples being with a bad attitude. I miss the days when we could run around  without shirts on even though we were girls, I miss the days when they thought we were cute, I miss the days when my blog posts made SENSE!

I suppose...I guess that...what I mean to say is...I MISS THE DAYS WHEN WE WERE INFINITE!

P.S-sorry this  post is a little...meh. I had a great idea for something epic  but then it went all crappy and I got lazy and I held up my middle fingers and was like, "**** IT! LEMME GO EAT!"


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