Sunday 6 January 2013






I sacrificed my soul for you. And you just cast me aside like some dirty unwanted shirt. You promised me love, happiness and passion. You said that we would spend eternity in each others arms. You lied.

I was ready for anything. I would lie for you. Die for you. Steal for you. Kill for you.

Your eyes burn holes through my skin. Piercing and green, undressing me. My every move drives you insane. It's like a reaction in your brain, telling you to strike me. Smash your fist against my face.

Smash it til it breaks.

Then drag me out like I'm a disgrace. Blood dripping down my face. Let all the neighbors know of your evil deed and then blame it on me.

I'm used to it.

So now let's make things clear. As I stand at the foot of your bed, clutching a butcher's knife.

Smiling manically with your blood all over my face.

Fingers sore and cut. Bloody and smelling of rust. With your dismembered head lying in the dust...


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