Saturday 23 February 2013


Through all my years I have been searching for inspiration. Whether it be from a book, movie or reality. More often than not, I turn to the beauty of YouTube Narnia and come across some truly beautiful music.

Now, Now - 'Magnet'

Dexy's Midnight Runners - 'Come On Eileen'

Saturday 9 February 2013

Noticeably Unnoticeable in the Eyes of the One I Love....

Basically standing on the edge right now. Fingers hovering over the keypad, wondering what to type.


Well that was a waste. I toss my laptop to the ground. It bleeds. Screen cracked, picture fuzzy, sound inaudible and keyboard smashed. Ink spills from the cartridge, staining my fingers black. The lamp illuminates the silhouette of the figure standing before me. His hair grey, his face blank, his eyes...lifeless as they stare into mine.

I am a shell. An empty and lifeless shell. An inky black nobody staring into the eyes of obscurity. Smiling at the devil whilst wielding a katana. Singing praises to a god from religion once known. Dressed in borrowed clothes from a lover who never came back. Walking blindly towards a monster that could kill me.

ENTER 'love kills.' SPACE

Face devoid of emotions. Face blank. Face rank with the scars and tears of a love once lost. Eyes once full of life and love, now black, soulless and empty. Eyes once blue...fade to grey. These eyes have seen too much of this world to show any joy. They show pain, anger and hate. Emotions that rage like a thousand seas. Emotions that make her heart bleed. Emotions that could kill me...

Hair bedraggled. Teeth stained grey. We are stained grey. Grey, like the old photograph's that hang in your mother's parlor. Stained with blots of black. The color has left us. It has left us for good.

You pull me towards you. I smell the cigarettes on your breath. I shudder as your greasy fingertips touch my skin. Your nose traces the contours of my face and neck. I am lifeless. You pull me closer, tighter. You bring your lips to mine. They're cold and taste of a bitter resentment. You are harsh and hasty and don't take the time to love me. I remain still, lifeless.


You push me away. You resent me. You stare at me, your eyes burning holes through my soul. You clench your fists and walk away. You fade into grey. I long for you. Desire you. Crave you. More than you will you ever know. But I guess that you will never know. I stare down at my laptop. As it bleeds, it adds to the trail of destruction that you left behind. Broken hearts, bottles and hanging chains. You leave a mess everywhere you go. You always leave at the worst of times.

I wish I could call you mine. But you won't want that will you?

ENTER 'and forever in my heart, you shall remain.' SPACE PERIOD


Wednesday 6 February 2013

'I'm Like A Lawyer With The Way I'm Always Trying To Get You Off' - FALL OUT BOY

Last year's wishes
Are this year's apologies
Every last time I come home
I take my last chance
To burn a bridge or two
I only keep myself this sick in the head
Cause I know how the words get you {off}

We're the new face of failure
Prettier and younger but not any better off
Bullet proof loneliness
At best, at best

Me and you
Setting in a honeymoon
If I woke up next to you
If I woke up next to you
Me and you
Setting in a honeymoon
If I woke up next to you
If I woke up next to you

Collect the bad habits
That you couldn't bare to keep
Out of the woods but I love
A tree I used to lay beneath
Kissed teeth stained red
From a sour bottle baby girl
With eyes the size of baby worlds

We're the new face of failure
Prettier and younger but not any better off
Bullet proof loneliness
At best, at best

Me and you
Setting in a honeymoon
If I woke up next to you
If I woke up next to you
Me and you
Setting in a honeymoon
If I woke up next to you
If I woke up next to you
Me and you
Setting in a honeymoon
If I woke up next to you
If I woke up next to you
Me and you
Setting in a honeymoon
If I woke up next to you
If I woke up next to you

The best way
To make it through
With hearts and wrists intact
Is to realize
Two out of three ain't bad
Ain't bad

Me and you
Setting in a honeymoon
If I woke up next to you
If I woke up next to you
Me and you
Setting in a honeymoon
Me and you
Setting in a honeymoon
If I wake up next to you
If I woke up next to you
Me and you
Setting in a honeymoon
If I wake up next to you


What can be said about this topic, other than it has been completely hacked to death by ignorant Internet users and hormonal teenagers. I had originally planned on making a series on the common pitfalls of modern rap culture, but I have decided to take the bull by the horns. I have decided to tackle the horrors that have plagued us from the entity that is; 'POP CULTURE.'

Now I'm not one to shake a stick at some of the fads that have been going around, seeing as I am the proud owner of several Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez posters and songs. I am also an avid reader and sometimes sample the waters of

Gone are the days when 'YOLO' was considered an empowering battle cry on the um...battlements. Nowadays, thanks to the likes of Drake and his 'highly intelligent' lyricists at YoungMoney Entertainment, the phrase 'You Only Live Once, that's the motto nigga YOLO' has been butchered by the brain dead youth of today. For instance, a few years ago the term 'YOLO' would have been said by a soldier coming back from the war; hair flowing all dramatically in the wind, face all sweaty and bruised, clutching a heavy olive helmet and walking in away from an exploding SLOW MOTION. *stares dreamily off into space, then realises that you're all watching me and then jumps onto chair, yelling out conspiracy theories and transforms into Ryuk from 'Death Note.'*

Anyway, nowadays, the mindless generation has translated this once relevant motto into a pathetic excuse for doing stupid stuff. For example, let us take the situation of teenage pregnancy as a result of one-too-many beers. This is one subject that kills me to this very day. How can we, as young women, degrade ourselves to the level that we can be compared to lesser beings? (like whores and floozies) Haven't we come too far to simply let our emotions towards the handsome, ripped jock that you tutor in math let loose after a few shots of vodka?! And you too men! Haven't you learnt from your thousands of lessons in primary school; that you can't pop a wheelie on a motorcycle...backwards...blindfolded...seriously?!

I am sick of hearing how having sex at the age of 12 is considered 'living life before I die, my nigga!' Honestly, can't we all just be a little more sensible about this? Why do I always hear stuff like, "I just got totally wasted at this party man and woke up with like 5 chicks in my bed. YOLO!"
Or; "I just crashed my dad's car into the DMV building then got chased by the cops. YOLO!"

Why can't I hear stuff like; "I just volunteered at a homeless shelter this weekend. YOLO."
OR; "I am flying to Somalia next week to assist in the rebuilding of houses. YOLO."

My point is, why can't we as human beings feel compelled to help others while using this term. Instead, thanks to Drake, our younger generation has been corrupted with this motto.

'I feel like I may be misunderstood...or maybe just unloved...'
                                                          - anonymous