Sunday 14 April 2013

Prisoner of my own Mind

A thousand apologies for those who actually visit this blog. I have been extremely busy with school and all that stuff so I can't really guarantee weekly updates. Anyway...

Often times I worry about my sanity. I mean, am I REALLY a sane and down-to-Earth human being? Or am really a disturbed psychopath with masochistic tendencies? Hmm...

I think that what we as humans fail to realize is that we are always judgmental  Let's take for example my friend Rebekah. No matter how many times we compliment her she will still insist that the she is the opposite of attractive, even though she has boys bowing at her feet. I suppose the truth is that if you receive a compliment from another member of your own gender it doesn't really count. However, if you are indeed complimented by a member of the opposite sex then you end up on Cloud 9. I suppose I could further distance myself from that feeling as the only compliments I have received from guys are from my closest guy friends. Anyway, what was my point again? Ah yes, that a word?

No matter how many times you preach to a friend that they are the most beautiful creature in the world, when it comes to receiving compliments we tend to clam up and go all awkward. I suppose that even applies to giving out advice to other people. We don't really think that our words of wisdom should apply to ourselves. Essentially, I believe that women are more than likely to dish out more advice than actually take it. I also think that as an insecure adolescent female, I would sooner jump up like a frog at the words of my crush than a random stranger. However, as of the beginning of this month, my crush on 'Pod' has weakened greatly. My heart still skips a beat whenever I see him but as for dreaming about him, smiling when I see him or hear his name....yeah...not so much. Anyway, I think he has his eyes on someone else I may know...

Okay. So. I think I have fallen more in love with music than people.

Sometimes I believe that I may have depression. Have you ever had that feeling that maybe you may be contracting a fatal illness that could ultimately lead to your demise? Well yeah. My friends worry to much. I love them anyway.

Sorry, I'm going off topic quite often in this post. It's just that my Sims 3 University is refusing to install for the past couple of weeks and it's too late to return it. :'(
My fingers hurt from guitar. I press really hard on the strings so they leave little grooves on my fingertips. It's really sore.

Anyway, this was a very sucky blog post. I suppose this shall be my mediocre return to blogging.

                                                       FUCKIN' A!!

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