Wednesday 16 May 2012




I traded in my best friend for a know-it-all! Seriously...There's this braniac in my class who always bosses me around. I was paired up with Samuel Smith, the bossiest braniac this side of Rolling Stones. I was originally supposed to walk across the stage with Chante and we'd meet up with Nicholas and Paul in the middle of the stage, then walk to the front and bow.

Our French parade went off without a hitch; although someone kicked my mask off! Then all we did next was sit in the AV Centre and watched an old movie for our history project. We watched this junkie documentary about Red Indians called 'Spirit.' Actually, Spirit was about a wild mustangbefriending an Indian boy. I diddn't get it but, Katarina goes a bundle on these animation flicks;that's exactly how I got in trouble now! I was writing with this book on my lap when this big jerk called Tara Marline, pulled on my chair and made me fall backwards and hit my head on the desk. Katarina wasn't amused!

...And now I've got detention! Boy, how am I supposed to explain this to mum Oh well; at least this gets me out of babysitting Cody for the day! :)


I've been window-shopping with Molly and believe me, it's been hectic! We had to shop for costumes for 'French Week' Molly was going as a fairy while I was dressing as a mime Okay, it's not that Frenchy, but it was the best I could come up with! We went into Jetsetters and got a bunch of glitter and face paint. We couldn't afford actual outfits, so I had to make do with my old clothes. After a huge takeout from KFC, I got home to find mum knocked out on the couch next to dad. I changed the channel and went up to my room. CORRECTION: the room I share with Cody. I HATE Cody! I knew mum had made a mistake in having another kid. I mean, one minute she's supermodel skinny; the next-she's blowing up like an oompa-loompa and before you know it; we've got a buck-toothed alligator spewing and chewing on my homework! Mum also orders me around now 'cos of Cody! e.g


Today was the French Week parade and we all showed up in a manner of ridiculous outfits. Well, Katarina always shows up in ridiculous outfits like just yesterday she showed up in a paper mache dress. Everyone was staring at her like she was insane! Hmmmm.....

Tuesday 15 May 2012


For all those of us blessed enough to be in a sunny state, walking along the beach hand-in-hand with our significant others, you might as well look away. This bit of fashion is for those of us who want to look chic withouth the effort.

Pull on a chic, flowy brown and black plaid shirt for that free-spirited hippy look. I personally LOVE plaid shirts but whenever someone wears one, they always seem to look like they're off to a rodeo or going to wrastle some cattle! I swear if I see another damn teenager, assuming the namesake of 'hipster', walking around in brown cowboy boots and a dusty cowboy hat: I'LL GO MENTAL! Throw in a pair of grey skinnies for good measure. Although it might look better witha pair of black skinny jeans, a grey pair will really spice things up and add that sort of 'Rockstar' edge! To vamp it up, add a funky bracelet; studded preferably! They'll add a small hint of rebellion...if you accesorize in moderation of course. Remember: Don't go out too blinged out, or else you'll look like P. Diddy(or whatever he calls himself now). And for the finishing touch...a pair of BRIGHT Converse high-tops! I personally went for the pink cheetah print high tops because I found them remarkablably fashion-forward. The great thing is that Converse sneakers are cheap!( AMERICA!) That's our fashion tip for the day and remember- "Tomboys are people too!"

Monday 7 May 2012

JUDO FLIP-ASHERU(The Boondocks theme song)

I am the stone that the builder refused
I am the visual
The inspiration; that make lady sing the blues.

I'm the spark that makes your idea bright
The same spot that light the dark
So that you can know your left from your right.

I am the ballot in your box;
The bullet-in your gun
The inner glow that let's you know
To call your brother "son".

The story that just begun
The promise of what's to come
And I will remain a soldier
'Til the war is won...

Sunday 6 May 2012


For those of you who don't live in a crater at the bottom of the ocean- 'Shake It Up' is a teen-pop candy show curtesy of that wretched Disney channel.

Disney Channel-the broadcasting network that brought us favourites like 'Wizards of Waverly Place' and 'Fish Hooks' have unfortunately missed the mark on this one.

'Shake It Up' is basically a bubblegum teen comedy, centred around the lives of two teenage girls, Rocky and Cece, who are trying to make it big in the dancing world. The show has it's highlights, namely the trendy(yet slightly overdone) outfits, catchy (yet slightly annoying) songs and the cute pig that guest starred one time.

To be honest, the show is a little superficial in some of its views and the dialogue and comedy feels strained and pushed to the limit. The thing with every Disney channel shows is that they always have some sort of annoying moral at the end which REALLY gets on my nerves! The cast is irrittating and hard to relate to...the only episode that I liked was the one where Cece admits that she's dyslexic.

If you don't mind a little fancyh footwork and some weak humour...then this is the show for you!

Saturday 5 May 2012

The Journal of a High School Geek


OK, let's get a few things straight-my name is Ruby Jessica Wilhemina Broom. I'm 13 years old and I'm in my first year of high school at Evan Grey High School. I live with my mum, dad and the the most recent addition to the family; Cody! Oh, and there's my three best friends; Chante White, Molly Bronco and Teddy Rusoe. We're all completely different but our differences collided over school...


How do you know when the universe is agaisnt you? Well personally I don't believe in all that 'fate' stuff but I do believe that some days God just wants to kick you around a bit.

After losing my snapback to the wind, and soon finding my limited edition comic book in colourful snarfled bits in my dog's poop; I realised that something was amiss. I ran to my sissy(our maid if you must), and tearfully choked out my dilema. I was soon answered with a cup of orange juice and a cookie to shut up.

So I went outside and sat on our front door step, stewing over the day's unfair qualities until I felt a warm sensation spreading on my butt. Thinking maybe it was the sun, I rubbed my butt a little harder on the step to settle down. BIG MISTAKE! After a couple of seconds, I abruptly sat up and ran back to my room. I ripped off my pants and examined my 'butt region' carefully. To my utter disgust-I found a huge mound of chicken poop firmly stuck there! I went ballistic, ran outside(in my UNDERWEAR people!), grabbed a mop and proceeded to madly chase the chickens across the yard. You know those episodes in Tom and Jerry, where Jerry manages to outwit Tom(EVERY EPISODE!)...I was Tom this time. The chicken in front of me flew onto the wall and I ran bang-smack! straight into it!

And that was the day I was outsmarted by a chicken....>:(