Tuesday 3 July 2012


SO, let us celebrate the rage face of the week...FOREVER ALONE!

In light of my recent proclamation of my hatred towards humanity, I have decided to be an asshole and completely write off all my romantic endeavours for the future!

See, this is my strategy. I will swear off my crush for the rest of the year and completely write off men in general. Not that I have ANY intention of being all 'Lesbigay' on you guys. However, I can say that the female compassion offered by my friends is much more appealing than all that fake crap I'm getting from those saggy-pants wearing meatheads shuffling around my school. I swear, if I see another pair of boxers or briefs from some skinny-jean wearing dude, I'm gonna go all BlackNinja on their asses!

Aside from my tyrade, please take note that for most of the week I will be fully analysing my poor social life and ultimately deciding that I may as well kill myself...

I also feel rather akward when a friend professes their 'love' for someone that I used to have a crush on and I KNOW for a fact that my crush actually liked them...

So, let us celebrate our 'RAGE FACE OF THE WEEK'-FOREVER ALONE!

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