Friday 19 July 2013

Triangles to Infinity

You and I.
Me and you.
We sold our souls to get into the mood. 
Rock music was our soul. Our passion. Our fire.

We ran circles around each other, flames bouncing at our feet.
Hearts pumping as we marched to the beat.
You played right into my hands, your soul was free. Innocent.

Your clean-shaven face lay close to mine.
As our bodies touched I couldn't help but smile.
The thought of letting you go was Hell to me
So I brought a gun do your head and let the bullets free.

You lay splayed across the bed
As a bullet shower rained on our bed
As I released my pressure on the trigger
As I lay watching you squirm.

Triangles to infinity was what we said
We aren't a part of them, it's all in your head!
We just like shapes, we're the normal kids; composed and cool.
We're the normal kids who smoke outside of school.

You inked it on your chest away from the world
They would just pry until your fingers unfurled
To reveal to the world your deepest darkest fears
That they would find you and make you disappear.

So here's to you, before I die.
For all those times you made me smile
Whenever you drew triangles on my head
Or when you traced infinity across my neck.

To all the times I abused you
To all the times I used you
So until we finally meet again
Take some lead to the head.

teen as fuck.


  1. You are invited to follow my Christian blog

  2. I write a blog which I have entitled “Accordingtothebook” and I’d like to invite you to follow it. I’m your newest follower.

  3. My son-in-law went out with lead in his head(self inflicted)so the content is kinda wierd to me. But I do think its a good piece.

    I'll start following this blog as soon as google connect quits playing games,.
