Saturday 23 November 2013



I have never felt so relaxed before. I have never been so at peace.

In mid-air.
Surrounded by the clouds.

I dream of you at times. Sometimes. A little. More often than I used to before. Your very being completes my existence.

Your walk.
Your talk.
The way you brush your hair out of your face.

I dream too. Sometimes of you. Mostly of you.

Your skin like a soft sheet of brown.
Your eyes a dark shade of chocolate. Warm. Gentle. Loving, yet harsh.

The way you look at me. I wish I could change the way you look at me. Your gorgeous eyes see through me like I'm a flimsy piece of tracing paper.

Tracing paper. Tracing hands. Your hands across my skin; tracing.

Paper thin like the very fabric of my existence. Stretched out waiting to be penetrated by the thoughts of your fancy. Waiting to be engulfed by the very fury of this love.

Engulfed. Gulf of Mexico. Deep sea diving into the abyss from which we came from.

Is it wrong that these words make up a strange song?
Is it wrong that I haven't cried about you for very long?
Sitting in my room, back against the wall,
It's no wonder that I haven't gone berserk and fucked the whole world up!
Slightly insane, mental images, clouding up my brain
Things like burning ashes into dust, then burying them
Unbeknownst to him, unbeknownst to me 
We're all stranded in a giant snow globe!

Society entails that we change our humanity to a life that is filled with less profanity
seeking wisdom from a ruler whose words are filled with vanity
crushing M & M's in a house whilst stealing jewelry. 
Crazy kids will never be ignored, they love the attention,
his throat was so full of words that he forgot to mention 
how his sister swallowed a sum enough to kill her, making out that the drug, not her, was the villain. 
Faith is a dying art, everybody killed it, out in the church they are praying for their sins and forgiveness, 
when they are quick to judge yet they themselves are the guilty. Words not to be trusted coming from the jury. We can't be judge, jury and executioner. 
It's about time that they listened to the Good Word
I'm not talking about myself, I'm talking about the Book
Turn the page to Revelations and take a look. 

                      -"Allahu Akbar"

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