Saturday 30 June 2012


We all have that one friend that is a nerd. I myself happen to be a proud nerd and promote nerdish behaviour. The truth is, lots of people think that nerds are anti-social computer geniuses who problably will die virgins...that in itself is NOT true...I think.

Take my good friend Amrit. He is a HUGE nerd; computers, games, intelligent-YOU NAME IT! Although, he is a bit of a bum sometimes! Deviating from the point again I see, well nerds are basically an essential part of existance. Imagine a life without those fews weirdos with giant glasses, pimply face sitting at a computer playing HALO multiplayer.

Einstein was a nerd. Thomas Edison was a nerd. And I'm pretty sure that Steve Jobs was the biggest tech geek/nerd on the planet! If it weren't for these brilliant  minds, then you probably wouldn't have that fancy little iPad of yours or figuring out the theory of relativity...Think about it...would the world be the same sans nerd?

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