Sunday 2 December 2012


So apparently I've been locked out of my sanctuary.

Locked out of my heaven.

Deprived of my addiction. 

Devoid of all emotions.

Seeking pleasure in all the wrong places...with all the wrong people.

Lend me a map won't you?
Just so I can find the place where we met.
Between the two willows, opposite the pond, right in front of the rusty iron fence.

And now my dear, that you're so old and grey
With gnarled fingers and a battered brain
Your eyes have lost their shine, all plain and dull
You don't hold me like you use to anymore.

We don't talk like we used to anymore
You don't smile as much anymore.
You're sad and never laugh
We don't even hold hands
You tell me I'm ugly and beat me with your hands
Each punch, bruise, kick and jab
Leaves a scar across my heart.

But mamma didn't raise no fool, I'm smart ^_^
It's because you don't love me anymore and I must be doing something wrong.
I've tried so hard but you hate me even more
Maybe I should just walk out that door
Take the kids and leave and never look back.

I mean, you could be happy after all.
If I'm gone...

I mean, you could be happy if I weren't alive at all....

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