Monday 20 January 2014

Bad Religion

She was scared.
She was alone.

As she knelt down, elbows resting on the edge of the bed, hands clasped and head bowed in prayer
Her lips quivered as she whispered her routine prayers
She was terrified

But how could she be?
This was her life wasn't it?

Funny, isn't it
When people stay together out of habit
Not out of love, but
Simply because you couldn't possibly picture yourself with someone else
Anyone else
The thought of being alone,
The thought of being put out of your daily routine,
Could terrify most into living a life on unhappiness.

So she stayed there
As was her routine
It was dictated to her
Drummed into her skull throughout the course of her life,

"If you convert, He won't love you anymore."

"If you refuse to believe, you will be punished for your sins. Bad things will happen to you and your loved ones until you learn your lesson and repent."

"If you question Him, then you are just asking for trouble."

So this was how she would have to function
For the rest of her life
She would live in fear

She knew that this wasn't the right way to think
Not the right way to live
Not the right way to be.

She was taught the He was supposed to save her
That He would keep her safe in all of her endeavors
That He would protect her from all the evil in this world

But she was also taught to fear Him
To fear Him above anything else
Or else she would go to Hell

To respect Him above anyone else
Or else she would go to Hell

To kindly follow all His teachings
Even the ones he didn't truly understand or believe
Or else she would go to Hell

She loved Him
As a child,
He believed that He loved her too
But it was too much now

She was taught to fear
But if she questioned
She would be dead.

           -"If it brings me to my knees, then      it's a bad religion."

Thursday 16 January 2014



Confined in a minute room
Lying exposed on a cold, concrete floor
Exposed to the dark figure lounging on the chair

Cold air blows across my body, 
Goosebumps rise across my skin
As he slowly gets up and shambles towards me, bottle in hand
With a hungry look in his eyes 

He runs his cold fingers across my warm skin
My body shudders, shying away from his touch
He draws his hand away, and
And. And. And.

Slowly, he seductively unzips his trousers
The sound echoing across the room
The room remains still
As I watch in anticipation
In a sick, twisted silence  
Pleasuring myself
Relishing the thought of his touch

I tremble. 
He sashays his way towards me.
I lick my lips; dry, chapped and cracked

He caresses my skin
He leans in closely to whisper seductive secrets in my ear
I shudder.
He is absolutely vile
His remarks are repulsive,
Yet, that won't stop him.

He reaches for the straps of my bra
He slips them off, slowly
Staring intensely into my eyes
Licking his lips.

It drops to the floor.

Clothes form a small puddle 
Crumpled by our feet.



Nails scratching,
Catching skin underneath.
Ripping and tearing at flesh
Leaving red scratches across pale skin.


I cling onto him
Clutching onto his strong shoulders
My nails digging into his skin

Blood pulsating.
Bodies sweating.
Legs shaking.

And suddenly, my body stops shaking.
In one instance, I am overcome
The waves hit me
Swelling inside of me like a massive tsunami

He pushes me back down,
I let my body relax
But only for a moment
Wary of what he might do to me next

He lethargically pulls himself off me
As if I disgust him
And I do.

I do disgust him.
And I disgust myself.

How can something so bad be so good?

I lie there, on the cold concrete floor
My chest heaving
Panting heavily
Sweat dripping out of every crevice on my body
Tired from the exertion.

And I watch him.

I watch his large, looming figure
As he carries something toward me.

A rope.

I groan.
My body aches all over,
Yet, he never seems to tire.

"That was satisfactory," he says.
"But would you mind bending over? We're going to play a little game."

I moan and roll over obediently.

It still hurts. 

Monday 6 January 2014

Nick: A Collection of Short Stories

Nicholas R. J. Harrison is your typical young man, except he is a little different from everyone else. For all his life, Nick has pondered the reality of the afterlife and has tried at every turn to live that reality. There's only one problem. Every attempt of his is thwarted by his arch-nemesis: Death. 

Now this all may sound strange to you but hear me out. This is just a tester series to bide the time until I come up with something great so you'll all have to deal with my mindless meanderings into writing fiction. 

Imagine how tough it must have been for all those immortal gods in all those Greek tragedies that your teacher reads to you and you always doze off; to have to live through eons and eons of human beings basically acting the fool and fucking up the world. It must have sucked, right? 
Well imagine no longer, for I will appease all of you by dedicating my own short works to the life of Nicholas R. J. Harrison, the boy who could never die. Enjoy the slightly disturbing tales of a boy who at every attempt, tries to achieve his goal in life to rid himself of his immortality no matter what it costs.
"My life. My sanity. It was all a game at first. A stupid game. But then it ended so badly. He just fell down, face first and his body convulsed and thrashed so violently that I thought his limbs might tear off. And then She appeared. So beautiful, with skin as dark as coffee and eyes as light as amber. She was clothed in swaths of flowing black silk that clung delicately to her curvy frame. Her hair, as dark as coal, pulled back in an intricate long braid down to her waist. She was a vision of beauty. I longed to touch her. To reach out my hand and brush my fingers through her miles of gorgeous hair. I know it sounds cheesy and all but it was love at first sight and as I watched her elegant shape sashay towards the lifeless corpse of my former best friend, I knew that she was to be mine. She gently lifted the corpse. She seemed quite strong for a such a petite young thing. It was then that our eyes met and the world seemed to disappear around us. It was just me and her. Time froze, my other friends faded into grey images in the hazy background and all sound ceased. I knes that I was high but at this very moment, I began to see the world with such a precise clarity that it was almost like looking through my grandfather's advanced telescope which he 'acquired' from NASA. As our eyes connected, I felt a faint tug at my soul, if I have a soul. I was never very much into religion. The only time I ever prayed was right before a test that I never studied for or under the watchful eye of my super religious mother. She looked away, and suddenly vanished in a black mist. I came back to reality at a shattering speed, with everything in the room crashing down around me with an ears splitting bang. She was gone. I knew that I couldn't live with myself if I never saw her again. I had to see her again. No matter what."

What is love?

Yep, we all know that dreaded word: Love. Them feels. Butterflies. Whatever you want to call it. Well, I guess maybe I'm the only one who calls it that...

Is it weird that, I don't believe that I'll ever meet somebody. I mean, I take a look at my 27-year-old cousin and he seems mildly attractive, yet he isn't married yet. Okay, yes he does have a girlfriend but it's still a scary thought. I mean, I always envisioned myself by the age of 30 married, with maybe one kid or a baby on the way. I envision myself with a handsome, loving, caring and somewhat goofy husband with a respectable job who will love me unequivocally. Isn't that what all women want?

As women, we are constantly comparing ourselves. Whether it's to our gorgeous best friend, or to a random acquaintance or celebrity. I suppose I just take it to the extreme, what with my dwindling self-confidence that shrinks whenever I look in the mirror. Perhaps my awful looks, my below-average personality, terrible laugh that resembles the mating call of a walrus and general awkwardness scares many men off.
What is love?

Well, love is that mushy sentimental feeling you get when you see that special someone and you get those annoying butterflies in your tummy that make you want to throw up rainbows. 

Or maybe it's that feeling you get when you rip open the plastic cover on a brand new video game, taking in the fresh yet musty stench of the plastic box and running your fingers across the bumpy cover and staring lustily at the cover picture?
Maybe love is that weird feeling you get when you wake up all dreary-eyed and dazed in bed next to the sleeping body of your lover whom you probably don't recall ever crawling into bed with or ever offering a drink last night at that New Year's party of your old college buddy who you never really liked but decided to pitch up anyway cos he said that there'd be booze and old chums whom you haven't seem in a while?

Love is when she turns to you and smiles and tells you that she had a great night yet she doesn't remember your name but you look at her, I mean really look at her, and you realize that she isn't as beautiful as the alcohol made her seem, her voice isn't as pleasant as it was in your dreams and her touch isn't as sensuous as the alcohol made you believe...

Then she gets up and takes a shower in your shower. She comes out, naked, hair soaking wet and the stench of alcohol wafts through the air. You stare at her. She stares at you. 

"So...can I like, have a towel?"

"Over there, on the couch."


She sashays over to the brown armchair and grabs your towel. You look at her. And then it hits you.

Love is when you look at her and she looks at you and at that very moment you realize that she's not the one for you. You stare at all her imperfections and realize that she's not the way that you envisioned your first time to be. She's hardly the woman that mother would want to meet and she's hardly the type to introduce to your mates but still there's something about her that just holds you down. And now, at this moment when you stare at her and realize all this then you know what love is.

Love is when you don't care what the other person's faults are, whether their stinky or if they aren't the most attractive person on the planet. You'll look at them as if they could do no wrong and they're virtually perfect even though they really aren't but you keep on believing that they're perfect anyway because you stutter and can't find the words to say about how much they mean to you or how much their very existence affects your own. 

But for me...I guess...

Love is that weird, mushy yet nice and soft feeling I get when I hear your name. The mere thought of you sends me cheesing. Sometimes you make me angry as hell and then I feel like ripping your throat out or cutting off your circulation, then spending the rest of my life searching the world for oxygen for you. Then I think about it and I mean Really think, and I realize that I would not be able to find oxygen perfect enough for you to breathe. 

                    - "Crazy, yet emo."