Monday 6 January 2014

Nick: A Collection of Short Stories

Nicholas R. J. Harrison is your typical young man, except he is a little different from everyone else. For all his life, Nick has pondered the reality of the afterlife and has tried at every turn to live that reality. There's only one problem. Every attempt of his is thwarted by his arch-nemesis: Death. 

Now this all may sound strange to you but hear me out. This is just a tester series to bide the time until I come up with something great so you'll all have to deal with my mindless meanderings into writing fiction. 

Imagine how tough it must have been for all those immortal gods in all those Greek tragedies that your teacher reads to you and you always doze off; to have to live through eons and eons of human beings basically acting the fool and fucking up the world. It must have sucked, right? 
Well imagine no longer, for I will appease all of you by dedicating my own short works to the life of Nicholas R. J. Harrison, the boy who could never die. Enjoy the slightly disturbing tales of a boy who at every attempt, tries to achieve his goal in life to rid himself of his immortality no matter what it costs.
"My life. My sanity. It was all a game at first. A stupid game. But then it ended so badly. He just fell down, face first and his body convulsed and thrashed so violently that I thought his limbs might tear off. And then She appeared. So beautiful, with skin as dark as coffee and eyes as light as amber. She was clothed in swaths of flowing black silk that clung delicately to her curvy frame. Her hair, as dark as coal, pulled back in an intricate long braid down to her waist. She was a vision of beauty. I longed to touch her. To reach out my hand and brush my fingers through her miles of gorgeous hair. I know it sounds cheesy and all but it was love at first sight and as I watched her elegant shape sashay towards the lifeless corpse of my former best friend, I knew that she was to be mine. She gently lifted the corpse. She seemed quite strong for a such a petite young thing. It was then that our eyes met and the world seemed to disappear around us. It was just me and her. Time froze, my other friends faded into grey images in the hazy background and all sound ceased. I knes that I was high but at this very moment, I began to see the world with such a precise clarity that it was almost like looking through my grandfather's advanced telescope which he 'acquired' from NASA. As our eyes connected, I felt a faint tug at my soul, if I have a soul. I was never very much into religion. The only time I ever prayed was right before a test that I never studied for or under the watchful eye of my super religious mother. She looked away, and suddenly vanished in a black mist. I came back to reality at a shattering speed, with everything in the room crashing down around me with an ears splitting bang. She was gone. I knew that I couldn't live with myself if I never saw her again. I had to see her again. No matter what."

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