Tuesday 7 May 2013

Followers -_-

Rawwrr! I'm a dinosaur.

OK, so I recently realised that I haven't been blogging as much as I should. Well, between studying and procrastinating I really haven't had much time to. Sorry :(

Today I wanted to address the most pressing problem we face on social-media today: FOLLOWERS.

Yes, I'm looking at YOU Twitter. You're busy sitting there with your tea and crumpets with a stupid grin on your face while you laugh at the mass of sweaty zombies you have created. Nowadays, it seems like everybody is desperate for attention. Everyone is desperate for 'followers', 'likes' and 'adds.' I quite frankly find this frustrating but I will be the first to say that I have said, 'Follow me and I'll follow back' on Twitter. Hasn't everybody? No? Oh well...

Basically, these people think that anything under the sun can be justified by the amount of drooling morons who like your page/picture/status. In my opinion, a person's attractiveness should not be judged on how many likes their picture gets. And in any case, these things are always judged on how popular you are. For example, if I -a plain Tswana girl without any hope of getting a boyfriend - posted a picture of myself without makeup and a pretty smile on my face, only my immediate circle of, less than 10 friends, will like the picture. The highest like for a picture of my myself would be around 15, and one for my artwork would be 30. However, an individual who is higher up on the social ladder will get 102. 102!!! 102 likes for an a picture which they edited the shit out of, covered in layers of make-up and practically an entirely different being! Or maybe it's just cos popular people are more attractive than me...hm....

But I digress...

Same thing goes for statuses, and that's what annoys the shit out me the most! The fact that a degenerate gets over a 100 likes for posting rap lyrics about anally raping every being withing a 20 km radius is simply unnerving. When the rest of us post meaningful junk on the Internet, they hardly give us the time of day. It's not our fault that we lack the confidence to strike a conversation with the popular kids. It's just...oh...leave me alone! *creeps into corner to continue anti-social behaviour and listen to The xx*

So...followers. They may help with self-confidence but I don't find it fair or necessary that they should be used as popularity markers. In other words: FOLLOW ME! ;)


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