Wednesday 14 August 2013

Reasons Why I Love Being A Gamer

Ah video games. They have been around practically since the dawn of time. In fact, there is a huge debate over what should be considered as the first video game. 

Many conservative parents believe that video games promote a sense of violence and gun culture within children and teens. Ever since all the shootings in America over the years, many theorists have blamed the rise in shootings to the popularity of shooter video games, such as GTA. Personally, as a gamer I do not agree at all with these accusations! There are actually many benefits to playing video games regularly.

1. Video games are therapeutic for kids with chronic illnesses.
It improves their cognitive and motor skills. Also, it's quite therapeutic for the kids with issues and emotions that they just want to rage about. They can let loose of all their issues through mindless entertainment, or thought-provoking deep puzzles. 

2. Video games improve preschoolers motor skills. 
I don't know about you guys, but my parents were very shocked when I started using the computer at age 3. Apparently they had to reconfigure the computer in order to accommodate my early left-handedness.

3. Video games reduce stress and depression.
Well I obviously don't play games often enough because I play video games and I still get depressed. Hmm...maybe that's just me. Anyway, the joy of beating the ultimate high score or getting a really high kill streak on Call Of Duty would definitely lift anyone's spirits. 

4. Video games provide pain relief.
Well apparently, they did this research project in a hospital where patients played a game called 'Snow World.' The game distracted them from their immense physical pain. They also found that soldiers who played this game in military hospitals required less pain mess during recovery.

5. Video games can improve your eyesight.
Listen up all you cataracts sufferers: playing FPS can improve your vision! These games require you to pay extra attention to your surroundings so this cause you to look at things more sharply.

6. Video games improve your decision-making skills.
This hasn't really sunk in with me because I'm the type of gamer who likes to think things through thoroughly. I like take things slow, you know. Most video games need you to make quick decisions and require fast reactions that could be life or death situations. Virtual ones that is. 

7. Video games keep you happy in old age.
When I'm old and grey and 68, I would want to spend my retirement kicking back in the Bahamas playing The Sims. A study found that senior citizens who played video games were more likely to have 'higher levels of happiness' than those who don't. 

8. Gamers do better in jobs that are active.
Apparently surgeons and militants perform better if they regularly play video games.

9. Gamers are better at jobs that are intellectual.
I doubt that I apply to this but it would be nice if it were true. Gamers are constantly researching and developing new strategies to be the best at their game. This prepares them for jobs that require a large amount of researching, analyzing and the like.

10. Gamers are happier over the long run.
I agree with this fully. Apparently the benefits of spending a lot of time playing games are equivalent to the benefits of spending a lot of time in church.

         - "We can't stop. We won't stop"

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