Wednesday 5 December 2012

Day 3: The search continues...

The search continues....
As I get lost deeper and deeper into the abyss of YouTube Narnia, I can't help wonder why I ever listen to mainstream music.
I feel like such a hipster now.
I have the urge to dress up like a hobo and buy an iPhone.

Ahh...the simplicity of life....:)

                        17. Asobi Seksu - 'Layers'

                    18. Russian Red - 'Cigarettes'

                  19. Kanye West (ft. Dwele) - 'Flashing Lights'

              20. The Paper Kites - 'Bloom'

Day 3: YouTube Narnia

Food and water are dwindling and I'm too far gone now. Now way out. And I'm loving it down here. I NEVER want to return to mainstream ever again! Goodbye Carly Rae Jepsen; hello Asobi Seksu! :)

                   11. Beach House - 'Myth'

                12. Firehorse - 'If You Don't Want To Be Alone'

            13. Sea Oleena - 'Untitled'

          14. Starfucker - 'Bury Us Alive'

        15. Gabrielle Aplin - 'Home'

       16. Louis Armstrong - 'What A Wonderful World'

UPDATE: YouTube Narnia (Day 2+3)

Well sorry for not updating yesterday. I had rekindled my romance with The Sims 3 and I must say, I wonder why I ever gave it up! :)

Anyway, I'm running out of drinks during my quest and food is slowly becoming scarce. I think I can survive...hopefully.

                        4. Daughter - 'Youth'

                       5. Noah Gundersen - 'Jesus, Jesus'

                       6. The National - 'Think You Can Wait'

                       7. Neon Indian - 'Polish Girl'

                      8. Soley - 'Pretty Face'

                      9. Mogwai - 'Take Me Somewhere Nice' (inspiration for my popular blog post)

                   10. Asobi Seksu - 'I'm Happy But You Don't Like Me'
                                                                 ENJOY! <3

Monday 3 December 2012

Day 1: YouTube Narnia

UPDATE: My supplies are still intact and I am proud to have come out with two more finds!
I am IN LOVE with these two songs! :)

                2. Frank Ocean - 'Forest Gump'

               3. Japandroids - 'The House That Heaven Built'

Sunday 2 December 2012

YouTube Narnia: The Search Begins

Well guys, I'm off on my latest adventure through the murky depths of YouTube, a funny little place I like to call YouTube Narnia. It's a very breath-taking place filled to bursting with tons of songs by cool unknown bands with an eccentric lead singer. This is also the secret meeting place of all those hipsters with eclectic taste in...EVERYTHING!

My supplies:

  • a backpack filled with chocolate, water, grape juice, Lays chips and Oreos
  • my iPod 
  • 500 GB external hard drive
  • a newly created folder dedicated to my finds
  • laptop with Wi-Fi (so I can keep you guys updated)
  • cellphone
  • sketch pad for those silent moments when the video is still loading
  • translator :P
Well the objective is to find at least 20 songs that speak to me by Friday. Hopefully these supplies will last me.

Let the adventure begin!

  1. 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow'-Judy Garland


So apparently I've been locked out of my sanctuary.

Locked out of my heaven.

Deprived of my addiction. 

Devoid of all emotions.

Seeking pleasure in all the wrong places...with all the wrong people.

Lend me a map won't you?
Just so I can find the place where we met.
Between the two willows, opposite the pond, right in front of the rusty iron fence.

And now my dear, that you're so old and grey
With gnarled fingers and a battered brain
Your eyes have lost their shine, all plain and dull
You don't hold me like you use to anymore.

We don't talk like we used to anymore
You don't smile as much anymore.
You're sad and never laugh
We don't even hold hands
You tell me I'm ugly and beat me with your hands
Each punch, bruise, kick and jab
Leaves a scar across my heart.

But mamma didn't raise no fool, I'm smart ^_^
It's because you don't love me anymore and I must be doing something wrong.
I've tried so hard but you hate me even more
Maybe I should just walk out that door
Take the kids and leave and never look back.

I mean, you could be happy after all.
If I'm gone...

I mean, you could be happy if I weren't alive at all....

Thursday 29 November 2012

You've reached an...All Time Low ;)

Well I discovered this song on one of my many adventures through YouTube Narnia. Hope you enjoy it! :) <3

Monday 26 November 2012

My You

So baby...

Things are getting crazy and I don't know what to say
Got that hazy kind-of-feeling and it's racking up my brain.
Bad decisions, inhibitions yeah they all went away,
Soon as I decided to let loose out your cage.

You've been scheming, acting greedy
Always vying for my time.
I could sip you up then spit you, cos I know this can't be right.
You've grown on me and come on me
Making moves I can't decipher
And these words you whispering in my ear are clouding up my mind.

So I think I'm just gonna roll you up
Take a hit
Maybe we can take a trip,
To that special place in my subconscious you

I know that I've been talking a fair game, let's trade
You smoke me out and I can take a hit
You curl around my bottom lip
Got your cannabis all tongue-tied
In the backroom...all night.

Open up my throat love,
Stuff your arms in and make deals just by the corner
With all the shady little brothers
That your mama didn't want.

You looking good tonight-how bout I take you for a ride?
With my Hampton...smoked Beamer in the corner of my eye.
Said you doing me too many favors
After all you're just one flavor
And I need to stay sober or else the party might be over.

She said, "Shut up! Just hit it. It's none of their damn business. Tell your mamma that I ain't hungry, so let's just kick it..."

Your kisses so soft, warm, and great
Baby I'm sorry, there's haze all in my face
You smell like cannabis. Wait this ain't no frickin conversation!
I'm just busy contemplating what a mess that we've forsaken.
Empty promises.
You said that you'd make me feel so special, so
Where's that empty vessel of a man that I've been lying with?
He told me that I was the s*** but he couldn't see straight
Catching balls off a knee plate
And chasing girls who can't bleed yet
This isn't my mistake yet
It's your fault. You did it.

And now we're strung up in this bed
Dirty pictures in my head.
We did it on the table of this shady-ass motel
You called me your darling and said you'd keep me safe.
Empty promises.
No I feel bad I didn't do it
Smoke filling my lungs
Nicotine filling my blood
Poisoning my mind with these images all of the time.

I'm digging my own grave
So you just sit there and behave
While I try to numb the pain
While I'm butchering my brain
While this music's driving me insane
While these voices are calling out my name
Sick of being the one to blame
When really you're who should be blamed...

And I won't hide my face
Even though I'm a disgrace
My body shriveled up and pale.

But you'
The one who' up above
I felt invincible
But now I'm invisible.

I love you...can't you see?

But you're my destruction
So I can't be your...

Being A Hipster...

I'm just going to take a moment to acknowledge my quirkiness.

I like to randomly print blog posts that really speak to me. Then I like to fold them up real nice and put them in my butt pocket. (butt pockets are the BEST places for hands! ;))

Then I take it out every so often and read it because I love the sound of the paper unfolding between my fingers. I love the way the paper feels between my fingers, the cool sort of smooth feel and the smell; wow! I LOVE the smell of freshly printed paper. With the exception of books (they always seem to reek of eggs!) Magazines always smell like carrots.

Yeah so that's what makes me a quirky hipster. Be sure to look out for more posts similar to this...unfortunately.

So I found this song this evening when I should have been studying science. Oh well...:)

Saturday 24 November 2012

Take Me Somewhere Nice...please x)

I want to go to the beach. Nothing fancy. Just the beach.

I want to walk across the sand in my bare feet, with my black high-top Converse sneakers shoelace wrapped around my pinky. Holding my boyfriend's hand. 

I have an imaginary boyfriend. His name is Harold Sizumi. He's Japanese.

I want to jump into the waves and let them crash into my body. I'll even wear my faded jean-short shorts. And my X-Men top. It's baggy.

I want the sun to have just set. Yeah, it'll be all romantic and s***. The water will kiss my toes hello and goodbye and then go off again to its unknown lover.

I want the wind to whip my hair in all directions. But mostly whip it back. Like those pretty girls on tumblr or those models who pose on cliffs. I want to stretch my arms out and pretend I'm that chick from Titanic. Then my dog can come racing down the beach and knock me to the ground.

I want the sun's rays to kiss my skin and make it glow like a Christmas tree. Or maybe more like J-Lo. But I hate J-Lo so maybe not.

I want to lie down on a towel and sit under a huge, polka dot umbrella. With a giant vintage boombox on my shoulder. Blaring out Indie songs from YouTube Narnia.

I want to collect shells. The really pretty ones and make necklaces out of them. Then gather all the sea glass and hold it up in a jar and watch it glisten in the sun. The colors tracing patterns across my face.

I want to buy ice cream from the pier and have my 'boyfriend' smear it on my face. Then we can have an ice cream food fight. Our dog will eat the bits that fall to the sand.

I want to wear my black RayBan and not care that I look like death. I won't care because I'll be happy. I can get out my art-book and start sketching the scenery. All the neat rocks and crabs and stuff.

I want a random group of people to start singing and then I'll join in as lead. Then it can be this big uproar and stuff that takes a lovely bonfire to fix. The cops will sow up and arrest some shirtless overweight guy with a beard and a T-shirt tan line. We could all sit around a massive bonfire in the middle of the beach and get to know each other. My 'boyfriend' would break out his guitar and we would all sing a really cheesy campfire song. Maybe "Young Folks" by Peter Bjorn & John. :)

'Young Folks' - Peter Bjorn & John

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Hell is a teenage girl...

Okay, so it's been awhile since I last updated my blog but I have only come here to vent.

I have come to vent about my feelings on dating

So please feel free to comment on what a stereotypical teenage girl I'm being

Anyway, there's this guy I like who has a girlfriend. A pretty girlfriend. No, not pretty a freaking gorgeous girlfriend who is one the kindest popular girls around. I don't really know her that well but I can assure you that she seems quite civil in fact. She reads huge thick books and owns a Samsung phone. She is just an all around great girl. Cheesy? Yeah I figured as much.

So the guy is like one of "those" guys. He's the type that when you look at him you wouldn't really believe that he could get any girl he wanted. He's kind of skinny and tall. He also seems to have an interest in anime, action and horror movies. He also likes Yo Mama. He also hates me. Or at least I think he hates me. Being a stereotypical teenage girl, I am prone to believing that my crush probably hates me if he doesn't speak to me. Cheesy? Yeah I figured as much.

Well the point is that Girl A is in fact dating Boy B. The subject in question has been going on for about a month already. It's really cute. But being the stereotypical teenage girl that I am, I believe that in trying to convince myself that he is happy with another girl, I will get over him. Crazy, right? Yeah I figured as much.

Boy B can also play guitar and I bet that he plays it for her. He can also dance  and I bet he dances with her. Boy B can make a pretty good drink, but I bet he makes it for her. Boy B would never want me, but I bet that he always wanted her. Paranoid? Yeah I figured as much.

So seeing as I have to stick to this sort of theme for the majority of the week, I shall start by confessing my true feelings to Boy B...even though he will NEVER get to see this...


Ahem. I haven't really been vocal about the way I feel. All that really matters is that I kinda...maybe...sort you. I've liked you since the end of Form 1 and ever since then, my heart skips a beat every-time I see you.

Please don't think that I'm weird but I must admit, there are a few things I've said that I'm not so proud of. Like how you're an idiot and how you annoy the living hell out of me. I love how you always compliment my artwork and I must admit, half of them I've drawn while thinking of you. I was constantly trying to impress and you just made me feel more secure. And now you're making someone else feel loved and I don't feel comfortable with it. Sorry...

My favorite memory was when you sat behind me at the lockers and you tried to steal my art book. My friends just went ON and ON about it. I pretended to hate it but I secretly loved it. The fact that you find my crap pretty awesome is quite surreal. I remember how we went through a whole term of poking each other and I got all wobbly in the knees cos you were near me. Every-time I see you my heart skips a beat for a second and I start to feel flustered and can't really say much. I tend to stare at you too often and blush (if black people CAN blush!) and I also tend to shy away from any contact with you.

So basically I wish that that was me with your ring on my finger(er, thumb). I wish that were me running my fingers through your hair. I wish it were me getting along well with your adorable siblings. I wish I could have the chance to be with you forever; to be your first and last. I wish you would play guitar for me and dance with me across the stage(even though I can't dance for shit!). I wish that you would hold me close and whisper in my ear that you love me. I wish that you could hold my hand and walk me home, or play with my hair and say it's nice even though it's not mine. I wish we could play video games all day, sit in silence in the walkway enjoying each others company, watch horror movies and anime together and make fun of our friends together. I wish you could give me long tight hugs, lend me your jacket when I'm cold, laugh at my VERY crappy at me x) Squeeze my cheeks and kiss them when I cry. I wish that we were more than the nothing that we are now. I want people to be like, "DAMN! They're still together?!" or, "What a cute couple." We could be the awesome kick-ass couple that everyone envies.

Point is...I kinda...sort you. And I hope that she doesn't break your heart. Maybe someday I'll get over you and find someone else to swoon over...but I can' least, I THINK that I can't.


Stereotypical teenage girl? Yeah, I figured as much. -_-

Friday 9 November 2012

'Northern Downpour' - Panic! At The Disco

If all our life is but a dream, fantastic posing greed
Then we should feed our jewelry to the sea
For diamonds do appear to be
Just like broken glass to me

And then she said she can't believe
Genius only comes along in storms of fabled foreign tongues
Tripping eyes and flooded lungs
Northern downpour sends its love

Hey moon, please forget to fall down
Hey moon, don’t you go down
Sugarcane in the easy morning
Weather vanes my one and lonely

The ink is running toward the page, it’s chasing off the days
Look back at both feet and that winding knee
I missed your skin when you were east
You clicked your heels and wished for me

Through playful lips made of yarn that fragile
Capricorn unraveled words like moths upon old scarves
I know the world’s a broken bone
But melt your headaches call it home

Hey moon, please forget to fall down
Hey moon, don’t you go down
Sugarcane in the easy morning
Weather vanes my one and lonely

Sugarcane in the easy morning
Weather vanes my one and lonely
Sugarcane in the easy morning
Weather vanes my one and lonely

Sugarcane in the easy morning
Weather vanes my one and lonely
Sugarcane in the easy morning
Weather vanes my one and lonely

Sugarcane in the easy morning(Hey moon, please forget to fall down)
Weather vanes my one and lonely(Hey moon, don’t you go down)
Sugarcane in the easy morning(You are at the top of my lungs)
Weather vanes my one and lonely(Drawn to the ones who never yawn)

Sugarcane in the easy morning(Hey moon, please forget to fall down)
Weather vanes my one and lonely(Hey moon, don’t you go down)
Sugarcane in the easy morning(You are at the top of my lungs)
Weather vanes my one and lonely(Drawn to the ones who never yawn)

'I'm Happy But You Don't Like Me' - Asobi Seksu

Ano kumo o miteru
Kotori ga tounderu
Ureshii kedo kimi wa watashi ga kirai

Futari de koi shite
Tanoshii tokoro e ikitai kedo
Kimi wa dokonimo inai

Naze kietai no
Kimi wa nigeteru no
Naze naze doshite
Kimi ga daisuke, daisuki, daisuki, suki nano ni


I'm looking at a cloud
A small bird is flying
I'm happy but you don't like

Let's fall in love
I want to go to a fun place but
You aren't around

Why do you want to disappear?
Why are you running away?
Why why why
When I love you, love you, love you!

Monday 5 November 2012


Okay, so I kind of promised my best friend Amrit that I would shamelessly promote him on my blog... it is

You guys should SO check out his blog. It is this really amazing blog about technology and he does demo videos of programs that he has created. DON'T GET ME STARTED ON THE BACKGROUND.


Monday 29 October 2012


Starfucker - Biggie Smalls video

Oe one of my many recent romps through the internet, I managed to find this band named Starfucker. I LOVE their name! It has an ironic twist to it don't you think?

According to the Urban Dictionary, the word 'starfucker' means:


A person who obessessed with and seeks out personal interaction with celebrities. The desired interaction is often, but not necessarily, sexual in nature.
Examples include Courtney Love, Star Jones, and pretty much every person on the E! television network.

an alternative band from Portland, Oregon. Briefly changed their name to "Pyramiddd", but they're back to Starfucker/STRFKR now.
Starfucker is awesome

SCOTT PILGRIM VS. THE WORLD (my music essay)

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
“Not so long ago…In the mysterious land…Of Toronto, Canada…Scott Pilgrim was dating a high schooler.”

In a nutshell, ‘Scott Pilgrim vs. the World’ is basically a comedy film about a boy, Scott Pilgrim, who meets the girl of his dreams, Ramona Flowers. In order to win her heart, he must defeat her ‘Seven Evil Exes’ who want to fight him…to the death. The movie was directed by Edgar Wright and is based on the graphic novel series Scott Pilgrim by Bryan Lee O’Malley.

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: Original Score was composed by Nigel Godrich and the majority of songs on the score were written by Beck Hansen, Godrich and Osymyso. Nigel Godrich was born on 28 February 1971 in 1971. He is a recording engineer, record producer and musician and is best known for his work with the famous English rock band, Radiohead. He’s sometimes referred to as the ‘sixth member’ of the band. He was also a member of Thorn Yorke’s live band, Atoms for Peace, since 2009. Nigel has also worked with artists such as Sir Paul McCartney, Travis, Beck, Ultrasound, Jason Falkner, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Pavement, Brazzaville, Air, Natalie Imbruglia, The Divine Comedy, The Sundays, U2 and R.E.M. He is most famous for his production technique, which mainly consists of dense layers of sound.

The song ‘Ramona’ by Beck Hansen was sad and slow. It made you feel like you were walking alone in the middle of the street on a snowy day, thinking of the lover who scorned you. It went well with the scene depicted at the end as the two lovers walked off into an alternate dimension. It really set the mood, as I was felt yearning for more as the movie ended. The timeline wasn't quite clear in the song but I would say around mid-20th century. I have to say that the song made me think of a character that was lost and even they were only saying “Ramona” over and over again in the chorus. It made the character seem defenseless and depicted him begging for the love of someone even though their love was forbidden.

The second song, ‘Teenage Dream’ by T. Rex was essentially a mixed bag of emotions. The singer’s voice was male and had a hint of some electronic edge to it. The song mainly comprised of drums, electric guitar and a violin. It brought a wave of yearning for the ‘good-old days’ in my opinion, as the singer sang the haunting hook, “Whatever happened to the teenage dream?” With close examination of the lyrics, it told a tale of someone looking back on their younger years and reminiscing over missed opportunities. It gave me a sense of both happiness and sadness. I’m not sure how to explain it, as the song was ruled by heavy instrumental gymnastics, especially with the overbearing tone of the electric guitar. It set the scene for a romantic meeting between two lovers in a diner, maybe in the 1950s. The song sounds like it’s from the ‘50s and with a little research I soon learned that it was made in 1974. It fit well with the subway scene in the movie as the main character was thinking of a breakup that he had just been through. The mood depicted was sort of that of relief as the character was finally free of all their worries (or in this case-his ex-girlfriend!).

One of my favourite songs was ‘Black Sheep’, the cover version by the fictional band, The Clash at Demonhead! It was my favourite because it was a song that you can really get up and dance to. The scene was a band playing at a concert and I really think this fit well. The song mainly consisted of heavy bass guitar, electric guitar, drums and of course, a killer female vocalist. The song set the scene for maybe a rock concert in the 21st century. Listening to the song brought a surge of excitement and rage as I listened closely to the lyrics. In a nutshell, the lyrics describe you meeting a friend that you share a common goal with, however as time wears on; you start to see that that person relies heavily on the emotional support of others. The friend is manipulative but when they get bullied by other people, they come back to you and you still take them back, despite not liking them anymore. You try to separate from them and in doing so you point out all their flaws and how they are so dependent on others. This was ALL from the chorus! The verses basically describe two friends falling out. The one becomes rich and successful and ignores their friend, while the old friend stays in their normal life. It really made me think twice about my friendships, but I felt really happy whenever I listened to this song, and wanted to confess my true feelings to others.

My final song was ‘Anthems For A 17 Year Old Girl’ by Broken Social Scene. It was really the icing on the cake as it brought a sense of finality to the movie and the soundtrack. The song had a country music sort of feel, and it was mainly comprised of guitar, drums and male and female vocals. They brought a sense of overwhelming sadness as the song made you think of standing alone in the woods and listening to the sounds of the creatures in the woods. It felt peaceful and quiet and the singers’ voices were very soothing. The lyrics also suggest a friendship gone wrong but in the sense that two friends have grown apart. One friend has grown more materialistic and the lyrics suggest the typical clichés of High School. I think this song evoked the feeling of missing a close friend deeply; both yearning and longing. The timeline would most likely be in the late ‘90s as the song has a sense of ‘old school’.
My final thoughts were that this was an amazing soundtrack and movie. The quirky video game effects were lifted from the game, ‘The Legend of Zelda’, with Nintendo’s permission of course. However, a majority of the songs lost their charm outside of the movie. During the movie, the songs really blended well with the scenes and sure it took some getting used to, but the heavy use of electric guitar grew on you by the end of the movie. I found that most of the songs made me feel both sad and happy, a bittersweet feeling if you will. In conclusion, despite this soundtrack being a mixed bag of emotions, that lost its charm after the movie, I feel that it was well executed and complemented the movie excellently. I give this soundtrack and score-5 stars!

My Interpretation of 'BLACK SHEEP'-METRIC

Ah yes, Black Sheep by my favourite band, Metric. This song was covered by the fictional band, The Clash At Demonhead in the video-game themed movie, Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World. Here's my interpretation of the song.

One of my favourite songs was ‘Black Sheep’, the cover version by the fictional band, The Clash at Demonhead! It was my favourite because it was a song that you can really get up and dance to. The scene was a band playing at a concert and I really think this fit well. The song mainly consisted of heavy bass guitar, electric guitar, drums and of course, a killer female vocalist. The song set the scene for maybe a rock concert in the 21st century. Listening to the song brought a surge of excitement and rage as I listened closely to the lyrics. In a nutshell, the lyrics describe you meeting a friend that you share a common goal with, however as time wears on; you start to see that that person relies heavily on the emotional support of others. The friend is manipulative but when they get bullied by other people, they come back to you and you still take them back, despite not liking them anymore. You try to separate from them and in doing so you point out all their flaws and how they are so dependent on others. This was ALL from the chorus! The verses basically describe two friends falling out. The one becomes rich and successful and ignores their friend, while the old friend stays in their normal life. It really made me think twice about my friendships, but I felt really happy whenever I listened to this song, and wanted to confess my true feelings to others.

Thursday 11 October 2012


Now we all know what modern society's perception of teenagers is that they are hormonal bags of anger, druggies and useless slackers with NO ambition! Well, most of that may be true for SOME teens but not all of is true...

Modern ways have changed the teens that we know and love. I'm sure that back-in-the-day, most teenagers would be sitting around in their grandmother's parlor dancing to old records and knitting quietly in the corner. They would chat about simple things like the new stockings catalogue or an outing with the Girl Scouts. The girls would be the same as us, except that they would be obsessing over someone like Elvis instead of Justin Bieber. They would meet at Sock Hops and the Skating Rink to hang out with friends and sip on malts and eat burgers; chatting about hectic school work and plans for the weekend. They would rebel against their folks by cranking up the volume on a Jerry Lee Lewis song. "GREAT BALLS OF FIRE!"

And then there's us...

I mean we are not THAT bad...are we? I mean, sure sometimes we all go off to parties, use drugs and smoke and rebel against our folks but that doesn't make us any worse than the teens of yester-....oh....
Well we mustn't dwell on the negatives. Nowadays, teens would be found swatting over the books (hopefully), hanging out with friends at the local mall or at home, chatting with weirdos on the internet...oh and of course we have that small percentage of party-goers and bingers who seem to be able to spread their poisonous reach onto everyone in the immediate vicinity.

I miss the good old days when people didn't think I  wasn't some hormonal pimples being with a bad attitude. I miss the days when we could run around  without shirts on even though we were girls, I miss the days when they thought we were cute, I miss the days when my blog posts made SENSE!

I suppose...I guess that...what I mean to say is...I MISS THE DAYS WHEN WE WERE INFINITE!

P.S-sorry this  post is a little...meh. I had a great idea for something epic  but then it went all crappy and I got lazy and I held up my middle fingers and was like, "**** IT! LEMME GO EAT!"


Monday 10 September 2012


In a mdern era, most of us human beings have sought the comforting luxury of an uncultured and uneducated lifestyle. We don't realise that in order to maintain our basic functions of existence e.g EAT! we would need money and to get money we would need...all together now kiddies-KNOWLEDGE!

Now I know what you're thinking-'What the hell is this chick on about?' I am actually making a very valid point. After all. if we as human beings don't take it unto ourselves to learn more about this planet, then we'll be screwed! I mean, look at Obama. If he were a leering idiot with buck teeth and a 12 o'clock shadow WITHOUT a degree or at least some obvious moments of general knowledge, then he wouldn't be president now would he?

Well that was long-winded sentence...

My point mostly is that we should just pay attention in class! It doesn't matter if you're gonna become a rugby player when you grow up-you still might need the stuff you learn in class today. I'm not saying that right in the middle of a game the centre-forward aks you to calculate the amount of right angles used in a standard defense tactic! The thing is-there's a bunch of stuff I learn in school that I'll probably NEVER use again in my lifetime but heck-I still gotta learn it.

Who knows...perhaps calculating the amount of right-angles might help you impress your future spouse or something like that... :P

Tuesday 14 August 2012


In my opinion, I honestly CANNOT STAND blackberries! To some, a Blackberry is a high-end sexy phone. It can be translated as a modern miracle what with its quirky keypad, handiness and sleek-look. I have to admit that perhaps when the Blackberry was first released in 1999-there wasn't a huge following back then. However as years progressed, a huge cult following ensued-mostly by businessmen, rich teenagers and the Kardashians. Of course the hipster demographic has skewed more towards the Apple.Inc brand.

I'm not sure about the rest of the world but here in Botswana, Blacberries are quite cheap-at around P2000, whereas the widely hyped iPhone is priced at P5000. It was more I'm sure but my mum says differently. Anyway, I'm really not a fan of the excessive amount of buttons on these blasted contraptions. Why Blackberry saw fit to add a button for every letter and symbol known to man! I have only been using touchscreens since 2010 when my uncle in Boston sent me the 1st generation iPod Touch (or 'iTouch'). Hence saying that I am more comfortable from using a touchscreen and I actually forgot how to use a regular classic iPod! :P

With all this in mind, which is better-the Blackberry or the iPhone. It's a strong debate and its mostly an argument between the businessmen and the hipsters. My final two-cents...BLACKBERRIES SUCK AND APPLE RULES!!

Tuesday 7 August 2012


When you try your best but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse

And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

And high up above or down below
When you're too in love to let it go
[ From: ]
But if you never try you'll never know
Just what you're worth

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you

Tears stream down your face
When you lose something you cannot replace
Tears stream down your face
And I

Tears stream down your face
I promise you I will learn from my mistakes
Tears stream down your face
And I

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you


I have to express my deepest apologies to all those of you who MIGHT have missed me. As you might not know-I am only 15 years old and had to endure a terrible loss this month-my best friend Aabilwe Modise passed away recently on the 4th of July 2012. She died from stomach cancer...

Aabi was a sweet, good-natured and gorgeous girl. She was always smiling and could make you swallow your pride with her vast amounts of knowledge. She was an avid reader and always had her nose stuck in a book. I remember the first day we met, we had an in-depth conversation about dissecting a frog...I knew that we would be friends forever.

Aabi LOVED singing and she the most beautiful lilting voice you ever heard! I recall singing 'Bad Romance' with her during Math-much to the displeasure of our peers. She wrote stories too! She had this little book where she would write down short introductions and prologues but she could never finish them.

Aabi was practically my sister-we were bonded at the hip. I felt a piece of my heart tear away when she died and it was the most painful thing that I could ever imagine. In memory of her, I will post the lyrics of 'Fix You' by Coldplay-her favorite band.

May her soul rest in peace...

Tuesday 3 July 2012



SO, let us celebrate the rage face of the week...FOREVER ALONE!

In light of my recent proclamation of my hatred towards humanity, I have decided to be an asshole and completely write off all my romantic endeavours for the future!

See, this is my strategy. I will swear off my crush for the rest of the year and completely write off men in general. Not that I have ANY intention of being all 'Lesbigay' on you guys. However, I can say that the female compassion offered by my friends is much more appealing than all that fake crap I'm getting from those saggy-pants wearing meatheads shuffling around my school. I swear, if I see another pair of boxers or briefs from some skinny-jean wearing dude, I'm gonna go all BlackNinja on their asses!

Aside from my tyrade, please take note that for most of the week I will be fully analysing my poor social life and ultimately deciding that I may as well kill myself...

I also feel rather akward when a friend professes their 'love' for someone that I used to have a crush on and I KNOW for a fact that my crush actually liked them...

So, let us celebrate our 'RAGE FACE OF THE WEEK'-FOREVER ALONE!

Sunday 1 July 2012


Out of the dark recesses of my twisted mind, a dark shadowy figure lurks. It has been stalking around my mind for the past couple of months...hiding...lurking...stalking...waiting. I can feel it slowly prodding at the insides of my head; scratching...gnawing...searching for a way out. I force it back in, letting it growl and rage in anger. I know what it wants, and it WON'T get it! I stand up and shove aside my swivel chair, proclaiming, "YOU WILL NEVER CONTROL ME-YOU BEAST FROM WITHIN!"

Finally, after stabbiong myself several times with a lead pencil, I decide to get back to work on my latest breakthrough blog post...Only to find that the creature has gotten it's way again...DAMN!

Saturday 30 June 2012


We all have that one friend that is a nerd. I myself happen to be a proud nerd and promote nerdish behaviour. The truth is, lots of people think that nerds are anti-social computer geniuses who problably will die virgins...that in itself is NOT true...I think.

Take my good friend Amrit. He is a HUGE nerd; computers, games, intelligent-YOU NAME IT! Although, he is a bit of a bum sometimes! Deviating from the point again I see, well nerds are basically an essential part of existance. Imagine a life without those fews weirdos with giant glasses, pimply face sitting at a computer playing HALO multiplayer.

Einstein was a nerd. Thomas Edison was a nerd. And I'm pretty sure that Steve Jobs was the biggest tech geek/nerd on the planet! If it weren't for these brilliant  minds, then you probably wouldn't have that fancy little iPad of yours or figuring out the theory of relativity...Think about it...would the world be the same sans nerd?

Friday 22 June 2012


Well, I had the house all to muself today and I decided to utilise this day to the fullest. By that, I mean eating endless buckets of popcorn and watching recorded movies on PVR. Unfortunately, my mum had neglected to buy any drinks before she left for Francistown so I had to go all healthy and drink about 3 bottles of water!

Being the child of a working single parent isn't very easy. I am an only child and my mum works from 8a.m-around 8p.m.  I usually get home around 4p.m and have a ton of homework and have to cook dinner everyday.

MEMES make me happy! DRAWING makes me happy! GOD makes me happy! MY FAMILY makes me happy! WRITING FOR THE MASSES makes me happy! And I'm happy that 151 of you around the world actually care about the life of a weirdo like me...

Love you all!


I spent most of my time watching 'Red Riding Hood'. It wasn't necessarily the BEST movie of the year, but I have to say that it really kept me on my toes. Dare I say it, I would ACTUALLY watch it again! The plot was VERY far-fetched and the werewolf was unbelievingly poor in authenticity. The love triangle was similar to 'Twilight' with the exception of the female lead's betroved being the werewolf instead of the 'other guy'.

I never understood why people remake famous old movies and completely BUTCHER them! I believe that they should let sleeping dogs lie! In mu opinion, Summit should stay away from making movies for a while because all they're latest movies kind of look like Twilight remakes. With the final installment of 'The Twilight Saga', it seems like Summit will actually get the chance to step away from the famous franchise and make a name for themselves. I hope so, or else Summit will be better off shutting their doors-PERMANENTLY!


Thursday 21 June 2012


Really Rihanna...really? I doubt that lyrics about 'a man being rude and not big enough' or 'standing under your umbrella' would bring any SANE human being to tears. Unless of course we count Chris Brown, who is undoubtedly shedding tears over a missed opportunity-being your rude boy and standing at your umbrella at some point must have left him weeping for sure! :/

...Well, how should I start this one? Well let's see, today was my friend Lefika's birthday. And to commemorate this 'grand' occasion, we treated him to two tests-in ONE DAY!  How's that for gotchya journalism?!

On a lighter note, birthdays are really special when you're a teen. When you're an adult it's just a reminder of how closer you are to death. Whenever I'm  at a wedding some snarky distant relative will always turn to me and say, "You're next!" I always have my revenge at funerals when I turn to my oldest cousin and say, "You're next!"

We don't have many weddings...or funerals...anymore.

MOOD: 'Uninspired-after-drowning-myself-in-endless-episodes-of-GLEE-and-feeling-like-crap-cos-I-can't-sing!'

Wednesday 20 June 2012


I was surfing the web for memes...when I came across this...let's take a moment to share my reaction...LOLL!


Ever wonder why most of the world seems to have forgotten that whole 'Chris-Brown-beat-the-crap-outta-Rihanna' parade? Well, I sure as hell haven't! Quite frankly I had a plan at the beginning of this year to boycott Chris Brown, if he just would stop putting out songs that are so DAMN addictive! >:(

I'm not here to play the mommy; instead I'll play it from a female perspective. WE HATE/LOVE YOU BREEZY! YOU'RE SUCH A SCUMBAG OF/SEXY GUY! RIHANNA DIDN'T DESERVE THAT/BITCH GOT WHAT WAS COMING TO HER!
Take your pick of words from the sentences above.

I've always wondered how some women (yes, YOU Karrueche Tran!) have the limited mental capacity to even date a guy like that. Although, I have a bit less respect for our RiRi after hearing rumours that she's secretly hooking up with him...again.

I'm not oe for gossip, but shouldn't there be a little voice in your head that tells you right from wrong...hmm I dunno-A CONSCIENCE!

Breezy's not completely at fault here. Besides the world being filled with a bunch of mindless idiots who turn a blind eye at Mike Tyson and R. Kelly's rape charge; he has um...oh I got off track there. Well, truth be told, Chris came from an abusive childhood where his mother was always beaten by his father. It's not to say that this sort of thing runs in the family, but it just shows that our PARENTS are in the end partly responsible for our actions. I'm not going to go into a full on spiel about how we should also control ourselves, I'm just saying that we should all be held accountable for this and quite frankly; I blame his parents. No offence, Mr. and Mrs. Brown, but sometimes we MUST remember these words- 'Our actions today will indeed affect the lives of our children tomorrow'...or some random crap like that!

Since I have squeezed my creative juices to the dry-I would like to say-thank you everyone for reading my blog! (EVEN THOUGH YOU DON'T FOLLOW ME! :() I would like to note that currently I have had about 141 pageviews. WHOO-HOO!


Tuesday 19 June 2012


Robyn Rihanna Fenty, also known by her stage name as Rihanna; first burst onto the scene at the tender age of 16 with her 'smash' hit, 'Pon de Replay'. Being born in Saint Michael, Marbados sort of helped boost her career during an era when reggae was still a little taboo. Ignoring the fact that I couldn't understand a word she said (ALTHOUGH I LOVE foreign accents-they sound cute!), she became a success story and soon caught the eye of certified Rolling stone-Jay-Z!

Life was hard growing up as young Rihanna, or 'Robyn'. Her mother (who is a Guyan of Afro-Guyanese descent) and her father (who is a Barbadan of Irish descent) had a rocky marriage. Her father was a crack addict, addicted to crack cocaine, alcohol and marujana. Their marriage ended around the time she was 14. She has two brothers, Rorrey and Rahjad. She has two ha;f-brothers and a half-sister.


Monday 18 June 2012


Time to take a peek at one of our generation's most influencial female role models...any guesses? You there-eah you. In the back. The one scratching his name into the desk with a spoon. No, it's not Oprah, you ass it's RIHANNA! Oh, so you don't think she's much of a role model do you? Well screw you! It's not about your generation now it's about the half witted idiots that care! Now, let me begin my deep speech.

Ahem...My fellow classmates, it seems that the day has come when we actually acknowledge Ruhanna as an ACTUAL role model. Is the world ending? you ask. Nay, I say! For I do not see any skeletal creatures with flesh and bedraggled rags hanging from their bodies emerging from the ground. So, just so we're clear-no zombie apocalypse has occured...yet!

Back to my speech, TIME magazine named Rihanna one of their most influential people of the year. A novelty of an award if you ask me, considering the fact that RiRi has spent most of her recent days partying with unattractive strippers, sending racist tweets to Chris Brown's poor girlfriend; Karrueche Tran and basically pissing a lot of people off! Some role model...

Personally, I used to actually LIKE Rihanna. Granted after the whole Chris Brown scandal, I only THEN knew her name...:( Anyway, when her album Rated R came out, I was a little surprse at the turn in which her career took. To cut this long winded speech short (mainly because Mr. I-DON'T-RESPECT-SCHOOL-PROPERTY has divulged into a loud fit of farts and I'm about to go over there and go all 'BlackNinja' on his sorry behind!), due to the success of 'Meme Week', I have dedicated this coming week starting from tomorrow to...RIHANNA VS. CHRIS BROWN!



According to the Urban Dictionary, the definition of 'Asian persuasion' is-

The spell cast upon an individual in love with members of the Asian race.
ahhhh, that tina, she's under the asian persuasion...
An affinity for Asian women
That home boy Aaron...he's got the Asian persuasion
is a generic term that describes attractive, charasmatic asian men... i.e. Filipinos, Chinese, Japanese. If you are not asian and cannot comprehend this terminology, go look at the word SWAGGER. Thats the asian word for swagger where the opposite member is feeling his "asian persuasion". His style, looks, aura, the way the he carry himself, attractive qualites of asian men.
Close related term is a mack or player for asian males. He's got that asian persuasion where girls are feeling him. Another example is Bruce Lee. Manny Pacquaio is a good example of asian persuation. He is beloved by the boxing world on how he fights and how he carry himself.
anyone of Asian decent, word is usually used in a sexually charged sentence.
Drew: You still banging the Asian Persuasion?

Eric: no, i hung out with her a couple weeks ago, but she has been of my slaydar for a little while.
one hot asian chick! christina sparks
christina pearl sparks
Examples of guys with Asian persuasion...

Sunday 17 June 2012


Probably the greates t creation known to man kind (besides Apple merch.)- RAGE FACES! Yep, you heard me. Rage Faces. Few people know who the creative genius was behind these beauts-but rumours say that it was probably that group 4chan.

The first rage comic that I came across was on facebook and ever since then I've developed a creepy obssession with rage faces, trolls and memes. On several occasions I have in facvt, created a few meme myself but...let's just say that poking dog poop with a stick would've been more side-splitting...

Since then, I have scoured the internet for the creators of these and eventually came across the whole feud between 4chan and reddit. These are both great sites but I'm gonna go with 4chan on this one; simply because they gave birth to Rage.

Mood: Slightly-hungry-and-full-at-the-same-time-while-juggling-homework-I-haven't-done!

"The meme originated in 2007[1] on the Internet forum site 4chan and later gained prominence on the social news website reddit.[4] It experienced an upsurge in popularity in 2009.[5] As of January 2011, the rage comic tag "fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu-"[citation needed] ranked among the top 20 most subscribed on reddit.[6]"-Wikipedia

Saturday 16 June 2012


Jennifer Check: I am going to rip out your heart, eat it... and shit it out!
Needy Lesnicky: I thought you only murdered boys.
Jennifer Check: I go both ways.

Needy Lesnicky: Jennifer's evil.
Chip Dove: I know.
Needy Lesnicky: No. I mean, she's actually evil. Not high school evil.

Needy Lesnicky: You're killing people?
Jennifer Check: No. I'm killing boys.

Needy Lesnicky: You know what? You were never really a good friend. Even when we were little, you used to steal my toys and pour lemonade on my bed.
Jennifer Check: And now, I'm eating your boyfriend. See? At least I'm consistent.

Needy Lesnicky: I will finish you if I have to.
Jennifer Check: Ok, you can barely finish gym class.
Needy Lesnicky: [voice-over] And sometimes, you might just get lucky in your miserable life.

Jennifer Check: I think the singer wants me.
Needy Lesnicky: Only because he thinks you're a virgin. I heard them talking.
Jennifer Check: Yeah, right. I'm not even a backdoor-virgin anymore, thanks to Roman. By the way, that hurts. I couldn't even go to flags the next day. I had to stay home and sit on a bag of frozen peas.

Jennifer Check: I just got Aquamarine on DVD. It's about a girl who's, like, half sushi. She must've had sex with a blowhole or something.
Jennifer Check: [Having been stabbed in the stomach and bleeding profusely] Got a tampon?

Nikolai Wolf: Do you know how hard it is to make it as an indie band these days? There are so many of us, and we're all so cute and it's like if you don't get on Letterman or some retarded soundtrack, you're screwed, okay? Satan is our only hope. We're working with the beast now. And we've got to make a really big impression on him. And to do that, we're going to have to butcher you. And bleed you. And then Dirk here is gonna wear your face.
[Dirk gives him a look]
Nikolai Wolf: Relax, I'm kidding about the face thing. The rest is gonna happen.

Needy Lesnicky: Hell is a teenage girl.

Needy Lesnicky: Why do you need him? Huh? you can have anybody that you want Jennifer. So why chip? is it just to tick me off? or is it just because you're just really insecure?
Jennifer Check: I am not insecure Needy. God thats a joke, how could I ever be insecure. I was the snowflake queen.
Needy Lesnicky: Yeah two years ago when you were socially relevant.
Jennifer Check: I am still socially relevant.
Needy Lesnicky: And when you didnt need laxatives to stay skinny.
Jennifer Check: I am going... to eat your soul... and shit it out Lesnicky!

Needy Lesnicky: Are you PMS'ing or something?
Jennifer Check: PMS isn't real Needy, it was invented by the boy-run media to make us seem like we're crazy.

Jennifer Check: [to Needy] Do you buy all your murder weapons at Home Depot? God, your butch!

Jennifer Check: You're such a player-hater.
Needy Lesnicky: And you're a jerk.
Jennifer Check: Nice insult, Hannah Montana. You got any more harsh digs?

Chastity: You're totally lesbi-gay.

Chastity: It's true. It's on the Wikipedia.

Colin Gray: They're showing Rocky Horror at the Bijou next Friday night...
Jennifer Check: ...I don't like boxing movies...

Needy Lesnicky: [V.O. About her 'fan mail'] I'm kinda the shit.

Chip Dove: [Needy is changing] Those jeans are hella low. I can almost see your front butt.
Needy Lesnicky: It's a rock show. This is my rock look.
Chip Dove: Well, I can see, like, your womb, so...

Chip Dove: Stop kidnapping my girlfriend!
Jennifer Check: [Colin got cut by a pair of garden hedges] Oh! A puncture wound. God, that's *so* emo...

Jennifer Check: [Pulls down Colin's pants] Nice hardware, Ace.
Nikolai Wolf: [Reading the ritual] We cone here tonight to sacrifice the body of...
[Takes Jennifer's gag out]
Nikolai Wolf: What's your name again, Tiffany?
Jennifer Check: [Sobbing] My name is Jennifer...
Nikolai Wolf: Super.

Chip Dove: She can fly?
Needy Lesnicky: She's just hovering... It's not that impressive.
Jennifer Check: God, Do you have to undermine everything I do? You are such a player hater.